Kings in game of thrones
Kings in game of thrones

It regularly smells of pigsties and stables, the alleys filled with makeshift stores. The Dragon Gate, Lion Gate, Old Gate, River Gate, King’s Gate, Iron Gate and the Gate of the Gods.įlea Bottom is the slums of Kings Landing, packed full of vagrants. The religious belief in the number seven led to seven gates being built as entrances to the city.

kings in game of thrones

Due to this however, large portions of the city are slums, which makes the city seem less lavish when compared to others. Kings Landing is a huge city, estimated to have a population of around 500,000 people. Now in ruins, it’s bronze doors have been sealed for over a century since the last dragon died. The Dragonpit housed the Targaryens dragons in this huge domed building. Tournaments are also held outside the walls amongst the Gold Cloaks. At times of war the peasents will run to the gates for protection, as their crops are great targets for burning.

kings in game of thrones

The surrounding areas of Kings Landing is mainly made up of farm land to feed it’s population. The royal tombs are also located here, where Kings are laid to rest. A place of worship to those who still believe in the Seven Gods, it can hold hundreds of people during religious events. The Great Sept of Baelor is the iconic center of the Faith of the Seven and the seat of the High Septon.

Kings in game of thrones